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Wcf is a project mainly written in C#, based on the View license.

WCF helper library: IoC, StructureMap, UnitOfWork, extensions methods, support for Windows Identity Foundation, tokem caching, etc...

Wcf helper library

Contains classes to solve common problems as IoC, UnitOfWork, etc.

Server helpers

  • Setup IoC with StructureMap
  • Basic UnitOfWork

Client helpers

  • Create a client just by the service contract
  • If no endpoint is found for the contract (IService), an exception is thrown
  • If more than one endpoint is found, an exception is throwm
  • CreateChannel takes a bindingnam or bindingtype as an argument in the case you have more than one enpoint for the contract.
  • If the service is a federated service, the securitytoken is cached so you can reuse it. Saves a roundtrip to the STS every time you are using the service.
  • Extension methods to the ChannelFactory (IsFederated, IsConfiguredAsFederated, SetClientCredentials)

Creating a client

public void SomeMethod()
    // Creates the channel for the IService webservice
    var client = ClientManager.CreateChannel<IService>();