Home > a1541


A1541 is a project mainly written in ASSEMBLY and C++, it's free.

Interfacing Atmel/Arduino with a C64 floppy disk drive

a1541 - Phone home to your C1541 floppy disk drive (c) 2011 Christiane Ruetten, [email protected] Licensed under GPLv2

DESCRIPTION: This is an ongoing development project for establishing contact between a C1541 floppy disk drive and an USB enabled PC. Motivation is simple: I want to get my D64 images onto floppy disks, and that X*1541 cable I have requires a parallel port, but none of my systems has one.

This problem has been solved a dozen times over, but I am learning a lot in the process.

So, you wanted it, and here's the undocumented, heavily work-in-progress, possibly broken source code for your leisure, should you be capable of indulging yourself with code.

Curent status:

  • IEC complete
  • Arduino can send files compiled into the firmware
  • Host-side D64 parser in Python read access 50% done

Coming up next:

  • establishing serial link protocol and transport logic between Arduino and Host-code for transferring sectors and files on-the-fly.