Home > apptest


Apptest is a project mainly written in PHP and SHELL, it's free.

An installation profile for new project application testing.

This is a Drupal installation profile that I use in order to bring up a dev environment very quickly. My purpose for using it is for new project applications.

It includes a pretty standard installation profile with the addition of the following:

  • coder
  • security_review
  • devel

I borrowed quite a bit from the Aten Development Base profile (http://drupal.org/project/aten_dev_base)

and added a build script for ease of use.

usage: open the ./build script and change the configurations for the database (user, pass,host,name) from the commandline: ./build example: ./build /var/www/apptest

You may need sudo to run this as it does a couple chmod commands that require it.
