Home > Abc-Menu


Abc-Menu is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Adds alphabetic menus of commands

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1170

Abc-Menu installs some more menu-Items for easier access and remembering.

vim is a very powerfull editor with tons of functions and even more documentation. I always found new functions and i was looking for a way to search them quickly. index.txt was my friend so far :)

Sometime I have my little daughter laying in my arm and I have only one hand for writing. In this case, some functions of vim are very hard to reach.

This file helps me in both cases. I made an alphabetical menu for some of the functions for the normal mode. The reason for strict alphabetical order is to make using the menu like typing the commands and help to remember to type the command next time or to be able to use another vim on another maching without this special menu.

There are some special sub-menus i = shift k = control l = alt I think ijkl are keys that everyone knows. You won't find them in the Abc-Menu.

Example for using the menu: If you want to reach all commands in Normal mode with Uppercase characters type following keys: alt invoke menu (or alt-n together) n normal-Mode commands i shift-commands

Look at the bottom of the screen. Every command has a little tip. I took most tips from index.txt.

tested with gvim 6.2, windows XP Knoppix 3.7: the tips are missing, Hotkey only in left textarea possible

Screenshots: http://jochen-behrens.de/vim/vim-menu-g.png http://jochen-behrens.de/vim/vim-menu-n.png