Home > action_mailer_layouts


Action_mailer_layouts is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Enable the use of layouts in ActionMailer templates, this fork's goal is to enable content_for blocks

== Action Mailer Layouts

Original Homepage: http://cardboardrocket.com/pages/action_mailer_layouts Original svn: http://svn.cardboardrocket.com/action_mailer_layouts

A plugin to enable layouts for ActionMailer templates.

Adds a new 'layout' property to the ActionMailer::Base class. Specify the name of the layout you want to use. The plugin will look in app/views/layouts for your layout. If no layout is specified, the plugin will look for a layout that matches the name of your mailer class.

For example:

If your mailer class is called UserNotifier and you are rendering the activation.rhtml template, then the plugin will attempt to load the user_notifier.rhtml layout. If you are rendering the activation.text.html.rhtml template, the plugin will look for the user_notifier.text.html.rhtml layout. In other words, the plugin attempts to load the layout named after the your ActionMailer class.

You can overload this behavior by setting the layout property of your mailer:

class UserNotfier < ActionMailer::Base def activation(user) @recipients = user.email @from = '[email protected]' @sent_on = Time.now @subject = 'Activate your account!' @layout = :email end end

This arrangement will cause the plugin to render the content in views/user_notifier/activation.text.html.rhtml in the views/layouts/email.text.html.rhtml layout.
