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ActionContainer is a project mainly written in C#, based on the MIT license.

A container agnostic dynamic service agent implementation


Action Container is a dynamic Service Agent implementation.

It provides a dynamic object that will resolve a service and call a method based upon the call's name, parameters, and return type.

For example,

public class Needy : IDependOnSomething
    public dynamic ServiceAgent { get; set; }

    public void DoYourThing()
        //Void call

        //Receive an int
        int rand = ServiceAgent.GenerateRandom();
        Console.WriteLine("Random of {0}", rand);

The first call to ServiceAgent.SayHello("Jason"); will locate an IActionProvider of a void SayHello method that takes one string argument.

The call int rand = ServiceAgent.GenerateRandom(); will locate an IActionProvider with a method GenerateRandom with no arguments that returns an integer.
