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Active_scaffold_presentation is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Active Scaffold Presentation for RubyNation

Active Scaffold Presentation

First Phase

In this phase we'll create a simple scaffold with a single field.

  1. Connect to working directory: cd Workspaces

  2. Create a new Rails project: sudo rails camur sudo chown -R medined:medined camur

  3. Connect to project directory: cd camur

  4. install plugins: script/plugin install git://github.com/lackac/render_component.git -r rails-edge script/plugin install git://github.com/activescaffold/active_scaffold.git

  5. Create Person model: script/generate model person name:string

  6. Execute the migration: rake db:migrate

  7. Create the Person controller: script/generate controller person

  8. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb: class PersonController < ApplicationController layout 'default' active_scaffold :person end

  9. Create a default layout: cp ../camur_backup/app/views/layouts/default.erb app/views/layouts

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;.  charset=iso-8859-1" />
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en-us" />
      <%= stylesheet_link_tag "style" %>
      <%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>
      <%= active_scaffold_includes %>
    <body id="page">
      <div id="container">
      <div id="header">
      <div id="content">
        <%= yield -%>
      <div id="sidebar"></div>
  10. Start a server in a new terminal. script/server

  11. Visit person page. http://localhost:3000/person

12, Review the show create, edit, show, search, delete options.

Second Phase

This phase of the project will use nearly all of the datatypes that ActiveScaffold supports.

  1. Create a Book model (all datatypes except for binary) script/generate model book person_id:integer name:string pages:integer price:float invoiced_at:datetime purchased_on:date paid_at:timestamp checkin:time description:text paperback:boolean

  2. Create a controller for Book. script/generate controller book

  3. Update the database. rake db:migrate

  4. Edit app/models/book.rb to add relation to person. belongs_to :person

  5. edit app/models/person.rb to add relation to books. has_many :books

  6. Create app/controllers/book_controller.rb class BookController < ApplicationController layout 'default' active_scaffold :book end

  7. start a server in a new terminal unless it is running script/server

  8. visit book page. http://localhost:3000/book

  9. Create and edit a book. You'll see too many fields and the order is uncontrolled. The 'person' field should be titled 'Owners'.

  10. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb to hide some of the book fields and rename 'person' to 'Owner'. active_scaffold :book do |config| config.create.columns = [ :name, :paperback, :price ] config.columns[:person].label = "Owner" end

  11. Reload the book page. Notice the server does not need to be restarted. Check out the column sorting.

  12. Create some books. Normally, I'd create a rake task to initialize test data. Assign two books to David.

  13. Visit the person page. Notice that the books show as a comma-delimited list. Click on the list and you'll see the sub-form pop open.


  14. The field order is not good. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb to fix this. We'll change the date format later. class PersonController < ApplicationController layout 'default' active_scaffold :person do |config| config.list.columns = [ :name, :books, :updated_at ] end end

  15. Click edit. Notice the option to select an existing book or enter a new one. And that the person form has only a name field, all the other fields are book fields.

  16. Edit app/controllers/person_controller.rb to restrict user to only existing books. Note the plural needs to be used. active_scaffold :person do |config| config.columns[:books].form_ui = :select end

  17. Reload person page. Edit a person. Associate books to person. Since a book belongs_to a person, once it has been assigned it can't be assigned to another person.

  18. Click on books link, show subform.

  19. Too many fields in subform. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb to restrict the list fields. active_scaffold :book do |config| config.list.columns = [ :name, :description, :paperback, :price, :updated_at ] end

  20. Reload and click on books link. Notice fewer columns.

  21. Let's prevent book deletion. Edit app/controllers/book_controller.rb def delete_authorized? false end

  22. Reload and click on books link. Notice the delete link is gone.

Third Phase

Time to fix the problem of ugly dates. There are several options but we'll add a new function to the ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone class.

  1. Edit app/controllers/application.rb. class ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone def format_short_date self.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end end

  2. Create a app/helpers/person_helpers.rb file. module PersonHelper def updated_at_column(record) if record.updated_at.respond_to? :format_short_date record.updated_at.format_short_date else record.updated_at end end end

  3. Edit app/helpers/person_helpers.rb by changing module to class to demonstrate an error.

  4. Visit both the Person and Books pages to show that the helper module is loaded for both controllers.

  5. Edit app/controllers/application.rb to comment out the 'helper :all' line.

  6. Reload the Books page to see that the helper module is no longer loaded.

  7. Edit app/controllers/PersonController.rb to add the following line after the layout is defined.

    helper :person

  8. Now the updated_at field on the Person page is different from the Book page.

Fourth Phase

  1. Install the CalendarDateSelect gem. sudo gem install calendar_date_select

  2. Add the following line immediately before the last end in config/environmnet.rb config.gem "calendar_date_select"

  3. Restart the server.

  4. Edit app/views/layouts/default.erb. Add the following line before the closing HEAD tag. <%= calendar_date_select_includes "silver" %>

5, Load the Book page. Click edit and look at the InvoicedAt field.

Fifth Phase

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Create a custom scaffold of Paperback books.

git push origin master