Home > acts_as_activecomplete


Acts_as_activecomplete is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

An intelligent autocompletion plugin for Rails


acts_as_activecomplete is an intelligent autocompletion plugin for Rails. It personalizes autocompletion on any model class using document statistics. Currently, acts_as_activecomplete is being tested on Rails 2.3.11. Feel free to fork the repository and submit patches or improvements.


  • Github: http://github.com/nitindhar7/acts_as_activecomplete
  • Blog: http://coding-sense.blogpost.com



Add the acts_as_activecomplete helper method for each model that you wish to enable autocompletion on. This helper method also accepts parameters, each of which is a column, that will be used for autocompletion.

class Product
    acts_as_activecomplete :name, :description

After the initial setup, run

rake activecomplete:build:words['Product']

The 'build:words' rake task create a words index for the given models' columns. Currently, only one model per task is accepted, however this will be changed very soon.

 rake activecomplete:build:correlations['Product']

The 'build:correlations' rake task create a correlations index for the given model. Each consecutive tuple of words will be recorded and metrics will be stored.

=========================================================== Copyright © 2011 Nitin Dhar, released under the MIT license
