Home > acts_as_history


Acts_as_history is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

save & read history for objects

= acts_as_history

This plugin is nice utility for storing objects in database. You can use it for ActiveRecord::Base or ActiveRecord::BaseWithoutTable models.

This is beta version. Please check and let me know if something doesn't work ;)

== Install

Plugin generator will generate migrations for table 'histories'.


./script/generate acts_as_history rake db:migrate

== Examples

  1. Create your own class in History namespace

class History::CompanyHistory < History

here you need to define serialized class

Company end

  1. Declare acts_as_history in Company model

class Company < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_history :delete_from => :week # config {:day, :week, :month, :year} after_save :write_history

set associations

has_many :company_histories, :as => :owner, :class_name => 'History::CompanyHistory', :dependent => :destroy
has_many :setting_histories, :as => :owner, :class_name => 'History::CompanySetting', :dependent => :destroy

this method will return setting history for period

def histories_for_period(period) self.setting_histories.find_first_by_date(period.time.end_of_month).value end

other methods...


Other methods are inherited from History class or included from vendor/plugin/acts_as_history/lib/acts_as_history.rb

  1. Using

a) reading history :

Company.find(1).company_histories.first.value Company Load (0.3ms) SELECT FROM companies WHERE (companies.id = 1) History::CompanyHistory Load (0.4ms) SELECT FROM histories WHERE (histories.owner_id = 1 AND histories.owner_type = 'Company') AND ( (histories.type = 'History::CompanyHistory' ) ) LIMIT 1 => #<Company id: 1, activated: true, locked: nil, accounting_office_id: nil, address: "foo", city: nil, name: "example company name", nip: "xxx-xxx-xx-xx", postal_code: "62-800", regon: "320816455", bank_account: nil, created_at: "2010-05-07 11:43:38", updated_at: "2010-05-07 11:43:38", city_id: 832, natural_person: true, to_destroy: nil, tax_office_id: nil, country_id: 161>


Company.first.read_history_by_date Time.now

b) write to history

a = History::CompanyHistory.new(:owner => Company.first, :value => Company.first, :date =>Time.now) a.save

c) checking history status for date

Company.first.has_history_from? Time.now - 1.day => true

== Contributors

Michał Górski, http://www.goorsky.info

== Contact

Any bugs, questions, comments please feel free to email me : [email protected]

Copyright (c) 2010, Boguslaw Tarnowski, released under the MIT license
