Home > ActsAsVerifiable


ActsAsVerifiable is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

This plugin adds the functionality of verifying changes made to the models


This plugin lets you create entities with a verification status. Once an entity is modified, the status of the entity is set to 'Unverified'. The plugin lets you check the status of the entity and also lets you set it to 'Verified'.

The plugin uses polymorphic association and hence can be used with any model without any change required in the model itself.

Plugin needs to have a VerificationStatus model to function properly.


You only need to call 'acts_as_verifiable' in the model class

class SomeClass < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_verifiable end

To check the status of the entity: @entity.is_verified?

To set as verified: @entity.set_as_verified

Copyright (c) 2011 [Gaurav Sohoni], released under the MIT license
