Home > adamant-run


Adamant-run is a project mainly written in Clojure, based on the EPL-1.0 license.

A Clojure library to adamantly (or stubbornly) try to run a function

  • adamant-run

A Clojure library to adamantly (or stubbornly) try to run a function.

** Motivation

This library shall help you run functions which may encounter errors or timeout with automated retries. Situations where this might be helpful contain communication with a remote service, which may be unavailable, or dealing with asynchronous file transfer, when you are waiting for a file to show up.

** Usage

You can pass any clojure function to adamant-run along with its arguments and some finetuning options to control how adamant-run will run your function.

The easiest case is calling a function with no arguments using the defaults of adamant-run:

+BEGIN_SRC clojure

(adamant-run (fn [] "OK"))


The documentation of the function adamant-run contains a list of keyword options.

** Inspiration

The whole idea for this project comes from [[https://github.com/joegallo/robert-bruce][Robert Bruce]] written by Joe Gallo. So, kudos to Joe for his nice interface!

** License

Copyright (C) 2011 Stefan Kamphausen

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure. See file COPYING.