Home > Switchy


Switchy is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

A plasmoid to control switchable graphics (using vgaswitcheroo)

Switchy v1.0

Display status of cards (DONE) Better graphics (TODO) Switch graphics (TODO - see kdm docs)

Plasma Applet Template

You need KDE 4.2

-- Build instructions --

cd /where/your/applet/is/installed mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$KDEDIRS .. make make install

(your $KDEDIRS is where you install your KDE 4)

Restart plasma to load the applet kquitapp plasma plasma

or view it with plasmoidviewer YourAppletName

You might need to run kbuildsycoca4 in order to get the .desktop file recognized.

-- Tutorials and resources -- The explanation of the template http://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted

Plasma techbase pages http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma
