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Acts_as_followable is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Implements the following functionality where one model can be followed by other models and and vice versa.

= ActsAsFollowable - Model following

This plugin is a Rails3 alternative of the plugin called {acts_as_follower}[https://github.com/tcocca/acts_as_follower] by tcocca. It allows any model to follow other models and a model can be followed by other models.

Usually you will use this plugin when implementing a blog-style website where users will follow other users or for users to follow Books, etc...

== Installation (Rails 3 ready)

Add this line to your Gemfile (and run bundle install):

gem 'acts_as_followable'

Run the generator which will generate a migration file.

rails g acts_as_followable rake db:migrate

The plugin comes with a Follow model file. You can override the default model definition by creating a new app/models/follow.rb file. You can copy the content of a model from {here}[https://github.com/xpepermint/acts_as_followable/blob/master/app/models/follow.rb].

== Setup

If you would like a model to follow or to be followed by any other model, just add the mixin: class User < ActiveRecord::Base ... acts_as_followable ... end

== Examples

To have an object start following another use the following:

book = Book.find(1) user = User.find(1) user.follow(book)

To stop following an object use the following:


You can remove all the followers/followings like this:

user.destroy_followers_by_type('User') user.destroy_followings_by_type('Book')

You can check to see if an object is following another object through the following:


You can check to see if an object is followed by another object through the following:


To get a list of followers by a given type use the following (e.g. list of users that follow a book):

User.following(book) or book.followers_by_type('User') or book.user_followers


User.following(book).order('name').limit(2) or book.followers_by_type('User').limit(2) or book.user_followers.order('name')

To get a list of records of a particular type which this record is following (e.g. list of books followed by a user)

Book.followed_by(user) or user.following_by_type('Book') or user.following_book


Book.followed_by(user).order('title').limit(2) or user.following_by_type('Book').limit(2) or user.following_book('title')

You can also query Follow model records like this:

What user is following

user.follows user.follows.limit(1)

Who follows a book

book.followings book.followings.order('created_at')

Follow records by follower type

Follow.for_follower_type('User') Follow.for_follower_type('User').limit(1)

Follow records by followable type

Follow.for_followable_type('Book') Follow.for_followable_type('Book').order('created_at')

Follow records from follower

Follow.for_follower(user) Follow.for_follower(user).limit(1)

Follow records from followable

Follow.for_followable(book) Follow.for_followable(book).order('created_at')
