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Backbone-rails is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

structure for rails 3.1 backbone.js app using coffeescript and jasmine

Backbone Rails 3.1 Application with CoffeeScript and Jasmine

This application is a skeleton application for using Backbone and Jasmine with CoffeeScript.


In this app is an example Backbone model and accompanying spec.

# Backbone.js Model
# app/assets/javascripts/models/example.js.coffee
class window.Example extends Backbone.Model
    title: "Hello, World"

# Backbone.js Spec for Example model
# spec/javascripts/models/example_spec.coffee
describe "Example", ()->
  beforeEach ()->
    this.example = new window.Example

  it "should have defaults", ()->
    title = this.example.get('title')
    expect(title).toEqual("Hello, World")

You can remove these examples, they are only for demonstration purposes.


Grabs this repository, changes into it and installs the necessary gems

git clone [email protected]:bseanvt/backbone-rails.git
cd backbone-rails

To start the Jasmine server and watch for changes to your CoffeeScript files (with Guard) start both processes and leave each running in its own terminal session

bundle exec guard
bundle exec rake jasmine

Visit http://localhost:8888

keep in mind that you will need to edit/save any files you want compiled/tested while guard is running before they will show up in the Jasmine tests.

Organization & Configuration

In the app/assets/javascripts directory are subdirectories for organizing your Backbone models, collections and views (routes coming soon). The files (ending in .coffee) in these directories are watched by Guard, and when saved will compile into public/javascripts/compiled/src models, collections and views directories.

The same is true for files in the spec/javascripts directory.

Jasmine will look for specs in the compiled directory under public/javascripts/compiled. The necessary dependencies must be loaded first, for your specs to pass. You can configure your dependencies by modifying the spec/javascripts/support/jasmine.yml

It looks something like this

  # Dependencies
  - public/javascripts/lib/jquery.js
  - public/javascripts/lib/jquery.tmpl.js
  - public/javascripts/lib/underscore.js
  - public/javascripts/lib/backbone.js

  # Source (what we're testing)
  - public/javascripts/compiled/src/models/*.js
  - public/javascripts/compiled/src/collections/*.js
  - public/javascripts/compiled/src/views/*.js

  # Specs (our tests)
  - public/javascripts/compiled/spec/**/*.js

Configuring Guard

The Guardfile is in the root of the project. Just change the output path and the regular expression used to match files if you need a different structure. It looks something like this

guard 'coffeescript', :output => 'public/javascripts/compiled/src' do


Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline

Because load order is important it is not advised to automagically load your javascript files with the require tree directive in app/assets/javascripts/application.js. All javascripts that are needed by your app are specified explicitly instead.
