Home > attributes


Attributes is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

the implementation of attributes.rb borrows many of the best ideas from the metakoans.rb ruby quiz (ps. fattr >= attributes)

NAME attributes.rb

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URIS http://codeforpeople.com/lib/ruby http://rubyforge.org/projects/codeforpeople/ http://codeforpeople.rubyforge.org/svn/

SYNOPSIS attributes.rb provides a set of attr_* like method with several user friendly additions. attributes.rb is similar to the traits.rb package but sacrifices a few features for simplicity of implementation.

the implementation of attributes.rb borrows many of the best ideas from the metakoans.rb ruby quiz


in particular the solutions of Christian Neukirchen and Florian Gross along with concepts from the original traits lib

key features provided by attributes are

- ability to specify default values for attrs and definition time.  values
  can be literal objects or blocks, which are evaluated in the context of
  self to initialize the variable

- classes remember which attributes they've defined and this information is
 available to client code

- a whole suite of methods is defined by calls to #attributes including
 getter, setter, query (var?) and banger (var! - which forces
 re-initialization from the default value)

- ability to define multiple attributes at once using key => value pairs

- fast lookup of whether or not a class has defined a certain attribute

- attributes can be defined on objects on a per singleton basis as well

- getters acts as setters if an argument is given to them

- block caching, calling an attribute with a block sets the instance
  variable to that block

all this in < 100 lines of code


  • added support for block caching. for example

    - simple block caching:
        class Filter 
          attribute :process
        filter = Filter.new
        filter.process{|line| line.upcase}
        lines.each do |line|
          p filter.process.call(line)
    - using block caching to delay block evaluation/class-factory:
        module MigrationDSL
          attribute :migration
          def migration_class
            model = self
            Class.new(::ActiveRecord::Migration) do
              singleton_class =
                class << self
              singleton_class.module_eval{ attribute :model => model }
              singleton_class.module_eval &model.migration
        class Table < ActiveRecord::Base
          extend MigrationDSL
        class Jobs < Table
          migration do
            def up
              create_table model.table_name, :primary_key => model.primary_key do |t|
                t.column 'vinyl_shoes', :text
            def down
              create_table model.table_name
        JobsMigration = Jobs.migration_class


  • 4.0.0 introduced a bug where a query (foo?) would not initialize a var - 4.1.0 fixes that


  • removed dependancy on, and bundle of, pervasives
  • faster. as fast as normal method definition.
  • faster lookup for MyClass.attributes.include?('foobar')

    3.7.0 small patch to use 'instance_variable_defined?' instead of defined? keyword

    3.5.0 migrated to a pervasives based impl to attributes should work on any object - even blankslate objects


    moved to an instance variable-less model using an module level closure for the attributes list

SAMPLES @samples