Home > akt


Akt is a project mainly written in PHP and SHELL, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Automation tool written in php with php syntax

Akt for php

Akt is a small and flexible automatization tool written in php with php syntax.

Yet another automatization tool?

Yep, you're absolutely right. Another automatization tool.
There are a lot of such scripts written in different languages for different platforms.
And here is another one...

Let's look for existing solutions

I have tried some of similar tools:
Ant - great, powerful, popular, but java and xml
Phing - ant clone in php, therefore we have the same xml syntax
Make - no comments
Rake - this is in ruby...
Capistrano - this is in ruby...
Fabric - this is in python...

And what we have in php with php syntax?

I don't really know. Yeah, i have reviewed pake, phake, weploy, phpdeploy and more more more
Good tools, good job guys. But this is not what I really need.

So this is my attempt to make perfect php automatization tool... :)
Let's go!

Aktfile sample script

$buildDir = '/home/build/production/';
$devDir = '/home/dev/site/';

function task_default()
    depends('clean', 'copySource');

    task('minify', array('path' => $buildDir));

    $production = new Connection('ssh', array(
        'host' => 'production.com',
        'username' => 'root'

    $production->sync('/home/site/', $buildDir);

function task_clean()

function task_copySource()
    $source = new Fileset($devDir);

class MinifyTask extends Akt_Task
    public function execute()
        // Minify operations here...
        $phpFiles = new Fileset($buildDir);
        task('strip_php_comments', $phpFiles);