Home > Albanel


Albanel is a project mainly written in PHP and SHELL, based on the View license.

Quick and dirty HTTP proxy written in PHP 5.3.



Albanel is a tiny PHP proxy designed to capture all traffic in order to analyse it later.


Because Scarab was not working properly with HTTPS traffic. Albanel also allows the input to be edited on-the-fly if you want to, just edit HttpRequest::getInput(). Better (or actual) support for this may be added in the future.

Why the name?

I needed a name for a quick and dirty tool that monitor all HTTP traffic, Christine Albanel immediately came to my mind.


Albanel is written in PHP 5.3. To capture traffic, redirect an host to an IP where Albanel is hosted, it will take care of saving the contents and routing the request to the actual host.

Here is a lighttpd configuration snippet that may prove useful :

$HTTP["host"] =~ "fake" {
   server.document-root = "/var/www/albanel"
   url.rewrite = (
      "^(.*)$" => "index.php"

Who? When?

$ whoami
$ date
Sat Oct 29 19:07:24 CEST 2011