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Amazon-simpledb-cli is a project mainly written in Perl, it's free.

Fork of Eric Hammond's simpledb-cli client

This project is a distribution of the following project with added functionality for performing queries with attributes: http://code.google.com/p/amazon-simpledb-cli/

Included is a patch for patching against the original distribution if desired.

Dan Newcome 2008

==== NAME

simpledb - Amazon SimpleDB command line interface

======== SYNOPSIS

simpledb [opts] create-domain DOMAIN simpledb [opts] delete-domain DOMAIN simpledb [opts] list-domains

simpledb [opts] put DOMAIN ITEM [NAME=VALUE]... simpledb [opts] put-replace DOMAIN ITEM [NAME=VALUE]... simpledb [opts] get DOMAIN ITEM [NAME]... simpledb [opts] delete DOMAIN ITEM [NAME[=VALUE]]...

simpledb [opts] query DOMAIN EXPRESSION simpledb [opts] query-with-attributes DOMAIN ATTRIBUTES EXPRESSION

======= OPTIONS

--help Print help and exit.

--aws-access-key-id KEY AWS access key id [Defaults to $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable]

--aws-secret-access-key SECRETKEY AWS secret access key [Defaults to $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable]

--max COUNT Maximum number of domains/items to retrieve and list. [Defaults to all]

--separator STRING Separator between attribute name and value. [Defaults to equals (=)]

========= ARGUMENTS

DOMAIN Domain name ITEM Item name NAME Attribute name VALUE Attribute value EXPRESSION SimpleDB query expression ATTRIBUTES Space-delimited list of item attributes

=========== DESCRIPTION

This utility provides a simple command line interface to most Amazon SimpleDB (SDB) actions.

======== EXAMPLES

The following examples assume you have set these environment variables:


Create a new SimpleDB domain:

simpledb create-domain mydomain

List the domains for this account:

simpledb list-domains

Create some items with attribute name=value pairs:

simpledb put mydomain item1 key1=valueA key2=value2 x=why

simpledb put mydomain item2 key1=valueB key2=value2 y=zee

Add another value for an attribute on an item:

simpledb put mydomain item2 y=zed when=now who=you

Replace all values for specific attributes on an item:

simpledb put-replace mydomain item1 key1=value1 newkey=newvalue

Delete all values for specific attributes on an item:

simpledb delete mydomain item1 x

Delete specific values for specific attributes on an item:

simpledb delete mydomain item2 who=you

List all of the item names:

simpledb query mydomain

List all of the item names matching a given query:

simpledb query mydomain "['key2'='value2']"

simpledb query mydomain "['key2'='value2'] intersection ['y'='zee']"

List items and selected attributes matching a given query:

simpledb query-with-attributes mydomain "key1 key2" "['key2'='value2']"

List all attributes on an item:

simpledb get mydomain item1

simpledb get mydomain item2

List specific attributes on an item:

simpledb get mydomain item2 key2 y

Delete the entire SimpleDB domain including all items and attributes:

simpledb delete-domain mydomain

=========== ENVIRONMENT

AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID Default AWS access key id


    Default AWS secret access key

===== FILES

$HOME/.awssecret If the above fail, then the keys are sought here in the format expected by the "aws" toolkit (one per line): access_key_id secret_access_key

/etc/passwd-s3fs If all of the above fail, then the keys are sought here in the format expected by s3fs (colon separated): access_key_id:secret_access_key

============ INSTALLATION

BEWARE! The installation of dependencies is somewhat messy with this release and may require some understanding of how Perl works!

This tool depends on the following Perl modules from CPAN:

Getopt::Long Pod::Usage Digest::SHA1 Digest::HMAC XML::Simple

You can install them using the "cpan" command on many Linux distros:

sudo cpan Getopt::Long Pod::Usage Digest::SHA1 Digest::HMAC XML::Simple

This tool also depends on the Amazon::SDB modules provided by Amazon (not the one in CPAN). Amazon's modules can be found here:


Here is how I installed them.

curl -Lo amazon-simpledb-perl-library.zip http://amazon-simpledb-perl-library.notlong.com

unzip amazon-simpledb-perl-library.zip

sitelib=$(perl -MConfig -le 'print $Config{sitelib}') sudo scp -r amazon-simpledb-*-perl-library/src/Amazon $sitelib

Finally, this command line interface can be installed with:

sudo curl -Lo /usr/local/bin/simpledb http://simpledb-cli.notlong.com sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/simpledb

======== SEE ALSO

Latest versions of this script available from the Google Code project: http://code.google.com/p/amazon-simpledb-cli/

Amazon SimpleDB (SDB) http://www.amazon.com/SimpleDB-AWS-Service-Pricing/b/?node=342335011

Amazon SimpleDB Developer Guide http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AmazonSimpleDB/2007-11-07/DeveloperGuide/

sdbShell (another SimpleDB command line interface by David Kavanagh) http://code.google.com/p/typica/

======= CAVEATS

As currently written this tool does not support keys containing equal signs (=).

Output will be difficult to parse if the values contain newlines.

======= HISTORY

2008-11-22 Dan Newcome [email protected]

  • Added support for QueryWithAttributes

    2008-06-09 Eric Hammond [email protected]

  • Fallback to finding keys in $HOME/.awssecret or /etc/passwd-s3fs

    2008-06-03 Eric Hammond [email protected]

  • Completed --max option
  • bugfix: Corrected --aws-secret-access-key option spelling

    2008-05-26 Eric Hammond [email protected]

  • Original release