Home > anagram


Anagram is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

generate anagrams by order of easiness of speaking

an anagram generating code by order of easiness of speech.

use like this

irb(main):336:0> "birds".anagram(wordlist) ["bidrs", "brdis", "drbis", "bisrd", -- snip -- sbdri", "sbdir", "irsbd"]

you should initialize 2gram occurrence table by giving words list as an argument of this method you use it for the first time. the list should be given as an array of words.

after the initialization, you dont have to give wordlist just do


you can alternate the occurrence table anytime you want by giving other word list.

Sample data sets for English and Latin word lists are included as Ruby array data (Marshal.load to use them like this)

