Home > app_config


App_config is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Rails configuration plugin http://svn.jarmark.org/rails/app_config for 2.x version

App Config

Rails framework default configuration way is, as we all know, flexible and simple at the same time. Troubles begins when Your application starts to grow - some form of app specific configuration is then required to keep all as DRY as possible.

AppConfig plugin provides a convenient way for configuration application wide settings. Extra custom files in config/ or other unusual configuration hacks are no longer needed. AppConfig extends Rails configuration process in a way that allows to setup application specific options within default configuration block. Installation:

You can install directly from the repository:

    $ script/plugin install http://github.com/anagri/app_config.git

NOTE: because AppConfig modifies Rails configuration internals, must be included before Rails::Initializer#run. This step is taken automatically during installation. Otherwise add the following line to conf/environment.rb file:

    require 'plugins/app_config/lib/configuration'

(somewhere between line ‘require File.join(File.dirname(FILE), ‘boot’) and ‘Rails::Initializer.run’) Usage

You can specify app-wide settings in configuration file(s) using 'app_config' prefix e.g. environment.rb:

    Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
       # --- My killer-app specific settings:
       config.app_config.my_key = 'my value'
       config.app_config.boot_time = Time.now
       config.app_config.default_mail_subject = '[appconfig] '
       config.app_config.my_hash = {:a=>1, :b=>2}

but also in e.g. environment/development.rb

    config.app_config.default_message = "I'm now in development mode..."

Access to previously configured settings from within application code is also dead easy:

    AppConfig.param('my_key', 'value if my_key is nil')
     ... #executed when my_key is nil

Happy (re)configurations!

Copyright (c) 2010 [Amiruddin Nagri (original plugin by Daniel Owsianski daniel-at-jarmark-d0t-org)], released under the MIT license