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Gcal is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

A Windows Sidebar gadget that displays a user's Google Calendar events for the day

h1. gcal

A Windows Sidebar gadget for displaying the day's Google Calendar events.

h2. Installation

This gadget uses Google Calendar's "magic cookie":http://code.google.com/apis/calendar/data/2.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#AuthMagicCookie authentication. In order to set it up, you must provide a key from your Google Calendar account.

# Log in to Google Calendar; Navigate to Settings->Calendar Settings. # Click the Calendars tab and select the calendar you wish to track. # At the bottom of the screen under Private Address, click XML. You are presented with a URI. # In js/settings.js, set this.email to your Google account e-mail address. # Set this.key equal to the long key string between private- and /basic in the URI. # Deploy the gadget to your Sidebar folder specified in build.bat

h2. License

See LICENSE for terms.

h2. Bugs

  • All-day events for the next day appear on the current day's calendar. The strange thing is that the Android Google Calendar widget behaves the same way.
  • Events occasionally appear out of order. I can recreate this for reoccurring events that happen every Tuesday: one from 11:45AM-1:25PM, the other from 2:00PM to 5:00PM.