Home > Android-BlueVia-Auth-Dialog


Android-BlueVia-Auth-Dialog is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Android utility library that add some power ups to the BlueVia android SDK providing the functionality of showing a dialog to perform the oauth dance.

This is an android library project to use in conjunction with the android BlueVia SDK.

This project provides an easy way of showing the user a dialog to retrieve the valid access token.

See the example below:

try { new AuthDialog(this, "My App", new BlueviaOauthClient(this, Mode.HTTP, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET), new AuthDialogListener() {

    public void onError(AUTH_ERROR code) {
        Log.d("BLUEVIA", "We couldn't get the token :( " + code);

    public void onComplete(Token result) {
        SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences("preferences_file", MODE_PRIVATE);
        SharedPreferences.Editor editor = prefs.edit();
        editor.putString("oauth_token_key", result.getToken());
        editor.putString("oauth_token_secret_key", result.getSecret());

        Log.d("BLUEVIA", "We got the tokens!");

} catch (BlueviaClientException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }


In order to work with this project, it will need the Android BlueVia SDK as a project reference in eclipse. Please check the Android libraries references, and the classpath, don forget to setup them for your system.

It is possible to use the jar file provided from BlueVia? Yes, modify the libraries dependencies, and add that jar to your classpath.