Home > android-color-picker


Android-color-picker is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

This is a small library for your Android application to enable the users to select an arbitrary color. I've abstracted this to a widget that can be added to any View.

Android Color Picker aka AmbilWarna library ("Pick a Color" in Indonesian)

This is a small library for your application to enable the users to select an arbitrary color. It is currently used in the free Bible applications for Android (http://androidbible.blogspot.com). It is also used by the >250,000 downloads app DigiClock Widget.

For example, your application has a feature to customize the color of some background, text, or maybe for a painting application where the user should be able to select different color for painting or filling.

Screenshot: http://lh5.ggpht.com/_ODdyLCCXPpQ/TKsFBMSlhdI/AAAAAAAAu6o/vqpGqyCnywY/s800/r230-ambilwarna.png

This is an Android Library Project where you can include it into your main project.

How to use Create a color picker dialog by calling the following constructor, and then show it.

AmbilWarnaDialog(Context context, int color, OnAmbilWarnaListener listener) as follows:

// initialColor is the initially-selected color to be shown 
// in the rectangle on the left of the arrow.
// for example, 0xff000000 is black, 0xff0000ff is blue. 
// Please be aware of the initial 0xff which is the alpha.
AmbilWarnaDialog dialog = AmbilWarnaDialog(this, initialColor,
        new OnAmbilWarnaListener() {
    public void onOk(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog, int color) {
            // color is the color selected by the user.

    public void onCancel(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog) {
            // cancel was selected by the user


Contributors Pascal Cans (noobs.com)

See also other projects for Android:

Context Menu with Icons http://code.google.com/p/android-icon-context-menu/
