Home > android-emulator-skins


Android-emulator-skins is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

High quality Android Emulator skins for Nexus S and Nexus One

These Android Emulator Skins replace the bleaky default look with high quality graphics of actual devices and feature a reflection overlay, too.

The repostory contains these skins

  • NEXUS-ONE-SILVER (light version of the original)
  • NEXUS-ONE-BLACK (dark version of the original)

Copy the desired skins to the appropriate platform's skin directory below your Android SDK, e.g.

/platforms/android-7/skins/NEXUS-S All skins had been designed with respect to the original display resolution of the devices. This is great for taking screenshots or producing a screencast but barely matches a laptop's screen. When running on the emulator consider a scaling option, e.g. -scale 0.5 Also, every skin comes with an overlay expands the reflection of the body above your screen content. Use the onion feature of the emulator to enable this, e.g. -onion-alpha 100 -onion /overlay.png These skins had been built by Heiko Behrens (http://HeikoBehrens.net) based on graphics by Alexander Gillis (http://zandog.deviantart.com).