Home > android_external_wavpack


Android_external_wavpack is a project mainly written in C, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

WavPack shared library source code for Android. Uses 4.60.1 source

This project contains all the code to build a shared library for decoding WavPack files on the Android platform. This code uses the 4.60.1 code base.

For the patches needed to add the shared library to Android, please see: https://review.source.android.com/13007 https://review.source.android.com/13008 https://review.source.android.com/13009

A test suite of sample WavPack files is available from: http://www.wavpack.com/downloads.html

The generated (ARM) shared library is approximately 58K in size, if you require a slightly smaller file (approx 54KB) you can achieve this by commenting out the following line in unpack.c


For license details, please see the file license.txt For more details about WavPack, please visit www.wavpack.com

If you have any queries or comments you can reach me at beatofthedrum AT gmail DOT com
