Home > android-game-factory


Android-game-factory is a project mainly written in JAVA and PYTHON, it's free.

Creates project skeletons for Android game projects

This program provides a simple generator for a game skeleton. To use, run:

python startproject.py com.example.package.name.to.use ../path/to/folder

It's that simple. It doesn't have many features, there are a few rough edges, and some of the *.properties files apply to my system right now, but it's useful for me and will save you about 15 minutes of duplicated effort if you begin with this :)

The project you get has three classes, is ready to use OpenGL, and will draw a line connecting two points on the display wherever you place your fingers.


  • Generate *.properties files.
  • Provide more control over class name casing.
  • Add sound!!!