Home > Android-Tangerine-MobileFuton


Android-Tangerine-MobileFuton is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Your Couchapp and Mobile Futon bundled as a native android app


This is a demonstration of using Dale Harvey's Mobile Futon as a platform for other apps.

Packaging the app

My app is targeting Android 2.1-update 1 (API level 7) which is used on the Nexus One. This version has a limit of 1MB for files in the assets directory. The workaround is to rename any files over 1 MB with an extention that is one of the formats that is not uncompressed by default Android. See Dealing with Asset Compression in Android Apps for more info. Note - this is no longer an issue w/ Android 2.3.

couchapp push --export > ../Android-Tangerine-MobileFuton/assets/egra.json.jpg

Installing the app

Here is the code from MobileFutonActivity that installs the couchapps and launches my app instead of Mobile Futon:

ensureLoadDoc("mobilefuton", url, "_design/mobilefuton", "mobilefuton.json");
ensureLoadDoc("egra", url, "_design/app", "egra.json.jpg");
launchFuton(url + "egra/_design/app/index.html" + param);

I made some minor changes to Dale Harvey's code to load non-designDocs.
