Home > any-mongo


Any-mongo is a project mainly written in PERL and C, it's free.

Asynchronous non-blocking MongoDB driver for AnyEvent applications

NAME AnyMongo - Asynchronous non-blocking MongoDB driver for AnyEvent applications

VERSION version 0.03

SYNOPSIS use AnyMongo;

    my $connection = AnyMongo::new_connection(host => 'mongodb://localhost:27017');
    my $database   = $connection->get_database('foo');
    my $collection = $database->get_collection('bar');
    my $id         = $collection->insert({ some => 'data' });
    my $data       = $collection->find_one({ _id => $id });

    # AnyMongo also can run in official MongoDB compatible mode,
    # Then you can run your old code depends on mongoDB quickly
    use AnyMongo::Compat;
    # now AnyMongo will mock most MongoDB package
    my $con = MongoDB::Connection->new(host => 'mongodb://localhost');
    my $db = $con->get_database('foo');

MongoDB compatiblity You can try AnyMongo::Compat, this wrapper package try to make compatible with MongoDB as possible.


SEE ALSO You must check MongoDB, because most code of AnyMongo just stolen from it.


  • Pan Fan(nightsailer)

  • Kristina Chodorow <kristina at 10gen.com>

COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Pan Fan(nightsailer).

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.