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Aos-jse is a project mainly written in Java, based on the MIT license.

AnodyneOS JSE

================================================================================ Anodyneos JSE

JScheduler/Executer (JSE) provides scheduling and multi-threaded execution of jobs in Java. At its base, JSE is a set of classes that can be used by any Java application that needs to queue and run batch jobs, schedule a job to be run at a future point in time, or schedule a recurring job.

JSE also contains a standalone daemon that provides Unix Cron style job scheduling for Java. Since the JSE cron server is a long running process, jobs written in Java can easily be run on any schedule without the overhead of launching a new JVM for each run, or worse, launching several long running JVMs with each performing its own function. JSE/Cron is useful for system monitoring jobs that must be run on short intervals and daily chores such as running reports or queue processing.


BUILDING                Instructions for building from sources
LICENSE                 License for this release
README                  This document
src.java/               Java source code for this release
src.lib/                Third party libraries
src.sample/             Sample code