Home > aplanofattack


Aplanofattack is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Centrally manage custom facebook pages.

This is the rails 3 version of http://github.com/plusjade/grrowth

Once you have the app, go to its directory and run:

  1. bundle install
  2. rake db:migrate
  3. rails s

Create and manage custom facebook pages.

Prototype functions:

Render a custom page to display based on user. The page can be simple - will add better functions later.

The service should ultimately be able to provide wrapper functionality around basic tasks like ajax calls, click events, etc and then render them in fb-applicable code.


Static Content. Upload arbitruary static content to display on init page.

Image store Stores and organizes images to be displayed in various gallery formats or used on by one.

Javascript. Provide js functionalities based on what is allowed in fb.

CSS Possibly rendered inline but as minified string.

Cache Optimized. Fully cached pages should be output at all times, yet pages remain fully editable and updateable.

Helpers? (installable modules that to basic specific tasks)
