Home > Apple-Destroys-Microsoft


Apple-Destroys-Microsoft is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

for RubyNation

== Welcome to Pario

Pario is a Gosu Game framework that helps to give you structure and a start for creating games.

== Getting Started

  1. At the command prompt, create a new Pario game pario new my_game (where my_game is the game name)

  2. Change the directory to my_game and start the game cd my_game pario play

  3. To create more classes for your game (which will appear in the game folder) gosu add my_class (where my_class is the name of your class)

    Also, just as new, subsequent words will more classes. However, the game folder will not create subfolders but relate the classes automatically. pario new my_class menu background

== Learning Ruby

  • Ruby4kids: http://www.ruby4kids.com
  • HacketyHack: http://hackety-hack.com/
  • Learn to Program: http://pine.fm/LearnToProgram/

These two resources will bring you up to speed on the Ruby language and also on programming in general.

== Description of Contents

The default directory structure of a generated Pario application:

MyApp |-- config |-- game |-- lib |-- media

config A basic configuration file is created for you. Configuration is a place where game setup information goes (like window size or fonts). Feel free to add to it. COMING SOON.

game Holds all of the code that deals with your particular game.

lib Contains any library or module you want to use to extend your game. Any files in here will be auto-loaded when your game starts.

media A place to keep all of your images and sound files.