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ArduinoCar is a project mainly written in JAVA and C, it's free.

Arduino RC Car

ArduinoCar project

Remote controlled car based on Arduino board.

Both transmitter and receiver uses arduino boards, communicated over radio channel using a cheap 433 MHz RX/TX units and VirtualWire library.

Transmitter also uses ADXL 330 accelerometer to detect a wheel movement.

Receiver based on 2 DC motor platform.

The list of hardware:

Transmitter unit:

  1. Arduino Nano (atmega 328)
  2. Accelerometer ADXL330 connected to +5V, GND, X to A7,Y to A6, Z to A2
  3. 4 green LEDs and 4 red LEDs connected to D4,D5,D6,D8 and D9,D10,D11,D12 through a 270 Ohm Resistors
  4. A 3 buttons between GND and A0, D2, D3, without an external pullup resistors
  5. A 433 Mhz transmitter unit connected to +5V, GND, D13

Receiver unit:

  1. Arduino Uno (atmega 328)
  2. 2 blue LEDs connected to D2 and GND via 270 Ohm resistor.
  3. 2 red LEDs connected to D7 and GND via 270 Ohm resistor.
  4. A motor shield (L298N based, modified to use PWM pins 5 and 6 instead of 10 and 11 to avoid intersection with VirtualWire TIMER1 interrupt)
  5. A 433 Mhz receiver unit connected to +5V (or A0), GND (or A3), A1 (DATA)