Home > arduinoloader


Arduinoloader is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

Dave Brink's arduino loader put into a processing Library

= arduinoloader

This processing library uploads sketches to your Arduino by using java. No dependencies on avrdude etc. This comes very handy if you want to include sketchupload into your processing app (e.g. updating the firmware). So users donÄt have to uses the Arduino IDE anymore - nice!

The code was originally written by Dave Brink (davebrink at prodigy.net) see his releases here: http://mail.arduino.cc/pipermail/developers_arduino.cc/2009-February/000544.html

with that, the Arduino bootloader can even be optimized, David includes the sources here: http://mail.arduino.cc/pipermail/developers_arduino.cc/2009-February/000546.html

right now it works for me successfully on ATmega168, but not for ATmega328. I'll investigate further on that..

== Usage see exmaples/Loader.pde basically it's just one line, given .hex fiel (compiled Arduino sketch), portName, baudRate and pageSize

ArduinoLoader.upload( hexFile, portName, baudRate, pageSize);

Have Fun!