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Linguist is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and RUBY, it's free.

Create electronic version of your language paper book


If you want to learn foreign language you usually buy a book. This book probably contain some audio CD. Rewriting sentences from the book helps remembering, if you rewrite something keep this in organised form - some database, so you exactly know what you did what not. Ok, so after a while you got some content of the book well organised in some database, so why do not connect this with audio CD.

To help you with this tasks, we got Linguist. Rewrite sentences, conect them to create dialogs, tests, reading tasks and attach mp3 sound to them so it's more convenient to repeat what you learn before.

Q: But why?? There is so many ready to use excelent programs to learn languages, multimedial and so on, do we need to do something what someone else did for us??

A: ...