Home > armstrong_sphinx


Armstrong_sphinx is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

Armstrong Sphinx Theme

Sphinx theme for Armstrong documentation


Symlink this repository into your documentation at docs/_themes/armstrong then add the following two settings to your Sphinx conf.py file::

html_theme = "armstrong"
html_theme_path = ["_themes", ]

You can also change colors and such by adjusting the html_theme_options dictionary. For a list of all settings, see theme.conf.


This repository has been customized for Armstrong documentation, but you can use the original default color scheme on your project by copying the rtd-theme.conf over the existing theme.conf.


  • Create something awesome -- make the code better, add some functionality, whatever (this is the hardest part).
  • Fork it_
  • Create a topic branch to house your changes
  • Get all of your commits in the new topic branch
  • Submit a pull request_

.. _Fork it: http://help.github.com/forking/ .. _pull request: http://help.github.com/pull-requests/

State of Project

Armstrong is an open-source news platform that is freely available to any organization. It is the result of a collaboration between the Texas Tribune and Bay Citizen, and a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation_. The first stable release is scheduled for September, 2011.

To follow development, be sure to join the Google Group_.

armstrong_sphinx is part of the Armstrong_ project. Unless you're looking for a Sphinx theme, you're probably looking for the main project.

.. _Armstrong: http://www.armstrongcms.org/ .. _Bay Citizen: http://www.baycitizen.org/ .. _John S. and James L. Knight Foundation: http://www.knightfoundation.org/ .. _Texas Tribune: http://www.texastribune.org/ .. _Google Group: http://groups.google.com/group/armstrongcms


This theme is based on the the excellent Read the Docs theme. The original can be found in the readthedocs.org repository on GitHub.

.. _Read the Docs: http://readthedocs.org/ .. _readthedocs.org: https://github.com/rtfd/readthedocs.org


Like the original RTD code, this code is licensed under a BSD. See the associated LICENSE file for more information.
