Home > as3spec


As3spec is a project mainly written in ACTIONSCRIPT and RUBY, based on the MIT license.

A tiny BDD framework for AS3, inspired by Bacon and RSpec


If running the specs for AS3Spec itself, you should get:

"33 specifications, 1 failures, 2 errors, 1 timeouts, 1 missing" in the summary - this is currently correct.

= AS3Spec

AS3Spec is a tiny BDD framework for AS3, inspired by Bacon and RSpec. Built upon sprout project-generation tool for ActionScript/Flash/Flex/AIR.

== Quick Start

=== Install Ruby, RubyGems

==== Windows

The One-Click Ruby Installer for Windows provides Ruby and RubyGems: http://rubyinstaller.rubyforge.org/

==== OSX 10.5 (Leopard)

The developer tools included with Xcode installer provide Ruby and RubyGems: http://developer.apple.com/technology/xcode.html

==== OSX 10.4 (Tiger), 10.3 (Panther)

The Ruby One-Click Installer for OSX provides Ruby and RubyGems: http://rubyosx.rubyforge.org/

==== Other operating systems

Ruby installation instructions for other platforms are availabe at: http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads/

RubyGems installation instructions for other platforms are availabe at: http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/3

=== Install Sprouts

Open your favorite terminal emulator (PuTTY, Terminal, etc.):

$ sudo gem install sprout

DOS/Windows users do not enter sudo

=== Sprout a project

From http://projectsprouts.org/:

$ sprout -n as3 SomeProject $ cd SomeProject $ rake

Windows users may have to run:

$ scriptgenerate.rb utils.MathUtil

=== Why Sprouts?

There is a well written answer to that question at http://www.projectsprouts.org. I'm not going to copy the entire Sprouts manual here. ;)

=== Generators

AS3Spec provides some custom generators for Sprouts. Copy the generators directory to your Sprouts project, then use the generators as described below.

$ script/generate world.Hello create src/world create src/world/Hello.as create spec/world create spec/world/HelloSpec.as identical spec/SpecSuite.as identical spec/SpecSuiteXML.as $ script/generate spec world.Hello exists spec/world identical spec/world/HelloSpec.as identical spec/SpecSuite.as identical spec/SpecSuiteXML.as $ script/generate suite identical spec/SpecSuite.as identical spec/SpecSuiteXML.as $ rake spec

== Now we can BDD in AS3 (NEW SYNTAX!)

package { import as3spec.; import flash.utils.; import flash.events.*;

public class AS3Specs extends Spec
  private var nothing:String;
  private var arr:Array;
  private var myTimer1:Timer;
  private var myTimer2:Timer;
  private var myTimer3:Timer;
  private var myTimer4:Timer;
  private var myObject:Object;

  override public function before():void
    arr=new Array;
    myTimer1=new Timer(1000, 1);
    myTimer2=new Timer(1000, 1);
    myTimer3=new Timer(1000, 1);
    myTimer4=new Timer(1000, 1);

  override public function after():void

  override public function run () :void

    describe ('as3spec', function () :void

        it ('provides should.equal').so(23).should.equal(23);
        it ('provides should.not.equal').so(23).should.not.equal(12);
        it ('provides should.be.same').so(arr).should.be.same_as(arr);
        it ('provides should.not.be.same').so(arr).should.not.be.same_as((new Array));
        it ('provides should.be.nil').so(nothing).should.be.nil;
        it ('provides should.not.be.nil').so(arr).should.not.be.nil;
        it ('provides should.have').so(arr).should.have('length');
        it ('provides should.not.have').so(arr).should.not.have('kittens');
        it ('provides should.match').so('hello').should.match(/ell/);
        it ('provides should.not.match').so('hello').should.not.match(/egg/);
        it ('provides should.be.a.kind_of').so(arr).should.be.a.kind_of(Array);
        it ('provides should.not.be.a.kind_of').so(arr).should.not.be.a.kind_of(Boolean);

        it ('provides should.raise(message)')
          .so(function() :void
            throw('an error');
          .should.raise('an error');

        it ('provides should.not.raise(message)')
          .so(function() :void
            //nothing here
          .should.not.raise('an error');

        it ('provides should.raise(class)')
          .so(function () :void
            throw(new Error('an error'));

        it('provides should.not.raise(class)')
          .so(function () :void
            // do nothing

        it ('provides should.raise()')
          .so(function () :void
            throw(new Error('an error'));

        it ('provides should.not.raise()')
          .so(function () :void
            // do nothing

        it ('provides should.not.trigger')

        it ('provides should.trigger', function() :void
            myTimer1.addEventListener('timer', function(t:*) : void {});

        it ('provides after(time).second', function() :void
            setTimeout(function(t:*=null) :void{ myObject.myVal=5234 }, 900);
          .so(myObject, 'myVal')

        it ('provides after(time).seconds', function() :void
            setTimeout(function(t:*=null) :void{ myObject.myVal=2255 }, 300);
          .so(myObject, 'myVal')

        it('provides when.receiving(event)', function() :void

        it('provides when.receiving(event).from(object)', function() :void

        it('catches a missing spec');

        var arbitraryArg:String = 'dont be this';

        it('takes arbitrary arguments to specify block and can take a method to evaluate(run) in require', function(arbArg:String) :void
          'please be this')
          .so(function() : Boolean {
            return (arbitraryArg == 'please be this');

        it('should generate an error if block passed to require throws')    
          .so(function() : Boolean {
            var someObject:*;
            return someObject.nonExistant();

        it ('catches an error', function () :void
            throw(new Error('catch me if you can!'));

        it ('catches a failure')

        timeout = 500;
        it ('can time out', function() :void




