Home > ASArgs


ASArgs is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

ASArgs is an easy to use command line style drop-in for AppleScripts. It allows you to use arguments and parameters in AppleScript, much like you would in a shell script, e.g. `$1`, `$2`, `$n` and `$#`. ASArgs returns two arrays containing arguments

Short Description (for the Impatient)

ASArgs is an easy to use command line style drop-in for AppleScripts.
It allows you to use arguments and parameters in AppleScript, much like you would in a shell script, e.g. $1, $2, $n and $#.

ASArgs returns two arrays containing arguments and parameters respectively.

I wrote this for one of the most popular new command line interfaces: Alfred.
Inspired by Drupal Alfred

An Example

    set theFile to load script (POSIX file "/Users/YOU/Coding/ASArgs/ASArgs.scpt")
    set theFile's parameters to "-target \"Lorem ipsum\" -m \"dolor sit amet\" --fail \"blafasel didasel\""

    -- call ASArgs, save returned arguments in an Array
    set returnArray to run script theFile

    -- split returned arguments into two local arrays to work with
    set args to item 1 of returnArray
    set params to item 2 of returnArray

    -- suggested way of getting rid of " in params
    set helpArray to {}
    repeat with currentParam in params
        set currentParam to text 2 thru ((length of currentParam) - 1) of currentParam
        set end of helpArray to currentParam
    end repeat
    set params to helpArray

    return {args, params}