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My new roles, routines, relationships and assumption

Mark john E. Misa

New roles

Now that i'm in college i now have more Roles in life, one example is that i must study harder than i did when i was in high school.
i have to give more time in studying than playing. as a GDD i must study hard because i'm a future" Game designer and development professional.the tuition fee my parents paid is no joke so i must repay them by studying hard and so that i may be able to become a successful Game designer and development professional someday

<p style="font-size:25; color: Red">New routines</B></BR>
From now on I will Always Go straight home. And i will no longer do the things that i used to do when i was in high school(go straight to a computer shop and play dota)
and instead of playing games for entertainment, i will play games in order to study game structures.As a Gdd Student there are things in my life that 
should be change. one example is that for sure i will reduce my time spent in sleeping because many people said that GDD is very stessful and it will require alot of time
in order to master it.<BR>

<p style="font-size:25 ; color:Yellow">New relationship</P>

<p style="font-size:25 ; color: violet">like our Csb teacher told us, I and my classmates will be the ones seeing each others even  after our graduation because we are the only people that studied BS-IT major in GDD
in the philippines, so i guess being in the CSB gives me a perfect opportunity to get to know them.i must get to know my classmates very well because we might end up working at the same company someday, if ever that happens
at least we already had an experience working together.</P>

<p style=" font-size: 25;color:cyan">New assumptions</p>

<p style="font-size: 25; color:cyan"> From now on i will make everything i do a high quality work and take pride in it. As a lasallian i will make
every ordinary things i do in an extraordinarily way so that people may appriciate my works.i'm no longer in high school and i must move on so that i may be able to be
a useful citizen to society.