Home > audited_model


Audited_model is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Extension of mocked_model to include revisioning for acts_as_audited

= audited_record v1.0alpha

Mocked Record Generator using acts_as_audited for logs. Stores in memory as an object and does not store to database.

== Installation

gem install audited_record

For audited models, change inheretance of the model class to 'MockedRecord' class User < AuditedRecord acts_as_audited end

In the application controller add: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base extend AuditedController end

In config/routes.rb match ':controller/deleted', :action => 'deleted_index', :as => :deleted_items match ':controller/deleted/:id', :action => 'deleted_show', :as => :deleted_item match ':controller/revisions', :action => 'revision_index', :as => :revisions match ':controller/:id/revisions', :action => 'revision_show', :as => :item_revisions match ':controller/:id/:action/:version, :contraints => {:action => /(revert|restore)/, :version => /\d+/}, :as => :revisioning

Note: Not uploaded to rubygems yet (not until v1.0)

== Usage

class User < MockedRecord acts_as_audited end

@user = User.create({:name => 'Test User', :email => '[email protected]'}) # id = 1 @user.destroy @record = User.mock(1) @record # User(:name => 'Test User', :email => '[email protected]', :id => 1)

Model.mock takes one of 3 basic argument syntaxes, with the addition of an additional argument.

User.mock({:audit => Audit.find_by_auditable_type_and_auditable_id_and_version('User',1,1)}) # Allows you to specify the specific audit version to mock User.mock({:id => 1, :version => 1}) # Allows you to specify the id of the record and version User.mock(1) # Specify id of record and the latest version of record is mocked

The additional argument is {:associated}. It is allowed only in the first two syntaxes above. :associated tells MockedRecord to generate the associated records or not. By default it does not.

User.mock({:audit => Audit.find(1), :associated => true}) User.mock({:id => 1, :version => 1, :associated => true})

:associated still has issues. Will remove auditable_id from audits right now.

You can also use the controller method and routes to view via http:///:controller/deleted and individual records by http:///:controller/deleted/:id

== License

Released under MIT. See LICENSE.rdoc

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Paul Panarese