Home > authlogic-example-for-rails-3


Authlogic-example-for-rails-3 is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

This is a sample code I am using in all of my fun/client projects for login and sign up,useful as saves times:-). feel free to use it, included Jquery, Jquery Ui, Jquery.rails.js. Prototype Removed, PaperClip Included

This is a sample code I am using in all of my fun/client projects for login and sign up,useful as saves times:-). feel free to use it, included Jquery, Jquery Ui, Jquery.rails.js. Prototype Removed, PaperClip Included

Reference:- http://railscasts.com/episodes/160-authlogic

  1. Just search for MyProject in this project and replace it with your app name. :-)