Home > AutoInclude


AutoInclude is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Automatically add #include statements for c++ files

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2271

This script allows you to automatically add the #include statements at the top of you .{cc,hh} files. To use it, place the cursor on the type you need to include, then press <;;> and the corresponding #include statement will be added. In .cc files, the correct #include is added, and in *.hh files, the forward declaration is added.

Example: void myfunc (Foo* x); -> if you place the cursor on "Foo" and press <;;> (just the 2 semicolons), the #include "foo.hh" will be added at the top of the file. (The insertion location is specified by a variable, see Install Details).

The naming standard used is "Foo" and "FooBar", for the FooBar class the #include will be: #include "foo-bar.hh".
