Home > Automated-FTP-Dominator


Automated-FTP-Dominator is a project mainly written in Python, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

Ever need to push a single file or directory of files to multiple FTP locations but didn't want to do so manually? This little Python program is your friend!

Created by greg-hellings on github.com. Copyright 2010. I can be reached at [email protected]

=== Licenses === This software is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3. See the file COPYING for a copy of the license and further information.

=== Acknowledgements === Thanks to http://www.iconlet.com/info/79659_add_16x16 and Alexandre Moore for providing some icons under the LGPL Thanks also to http://www.iconlet.com/info/8507_delete_16x16 and Mark James for providing other icons under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license Similarly to http://www.iconlet.com/info/3971_accessories-text-editor_16x16 and the Tango Icon Library for providing icons under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License

=== Requires === Python 3.1 (accessible from /usr/bin/python3.1 - this is the default for Ubuntu 9.10) If you have your Python 3.1 executable somewhere else, edit the require location at the top of the files.

To execute a single upload to a given address, cd into the publisher/ directory and execute the following command:

./publisher.py ftp://username>:<password>@<host/ <file | directory>

The script will then login to with and authentication tokens and will upload the file or directory specified to the destination you have specified. That location must already exist, but if you're uploading a directory to those locations, then that directory and the whole tree under it will be created on the destination machine.
