Home > AutoUpload


AutoUpload is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Put file to remote location with one click

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=1192


  1. Create autoupload.info (or .autoupload.info) file. Files like those are called 'maps'.

  2. Each line in map is an entry in format: filename : {ftp|dav|scp|etc...}://address or filename | {ftp|dav|scp|etc...}://address

    Address must end with file name! << Example entry: localfile.txt | scp://[email protected]/tmp/remfile.txt

  3. Or as an alternative:

    • to first or last lines of buffer to upload add pattern: [text]{white}autoupload:remotepath1[;remotepath2[...]] Example line: autoupload:scp://[email protected]/tmp/remfile.txt ;ftp://[email protected]/c.txt
  4. Then while editing some file pressing up ('u' key and 'p' key) will cause script to:

    • read autoupload.info (.autoupload.info) from dir in which active buffer is stored (or from absolute path if customized that way), or scan first and last lines of active buffer,
    • store buffer into remote location(s) extracted.

If no entry for actual buffer is found in autoupload.info, then .autoupload.info is examined.


g:autoUploadMaps (default: "autoupload.info:.autoupload.info")

File names/paths to maps.

Can contain multiple file names separated by : or | Files will be examined in order given in this variable. Paths can be:

  • absolute,
  • realtive - they will be appended to path in which actual buffer is stored!

g:autoUploadScanLines (default: 3)

Script can scan last and first lines of a buffer for pattern: [text]{white}autoupload:remotepath1[;remotepath2[...]] Fields are separated by ';' or '|'. ';' is used because ':' is always a part of protocol for example ftp://... This variable contains number of lines to scan.

g:autoUploadModelineStart (default: 'autoupload:')

Pattern which 'modeline' should begin with. Can contain regex.

g:autoUploadUseBuffer (default: 1, possible: 0, 1, 2)

If g:autoUploadUseBuffer is set to 0, then no scan is done. If g:autoUploadUseBuffer>g:autoUploadUseMaps then script will scan buffer before maps. If g:autoUploadUseBuffer<=g:autoUploadUseMaps then script will scan maps before buffer.

g:autoUploadUseMaps (default: 1, possible: 0, 1, 2) If g:autoUploadUseMaps is set to 0 , then no no maps are searched. If g:autoUploadUseMaps=>g:autoUploadUseBuffer then script will scan maps before buffer. If g:autoUploadUseMaps<g:autoUploadUseBuffer then script will scan buffer before maps.

g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstUpload (default: 1)

If set to 1 then maximum one upload will be done no matter how many maps will have proper entries and how many proper entries will be in one map. In other words: Find first remote location that is assigned to actual buffer, use it and return to editor. This one variable turns off all multiple upload possibilities.

g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstMap (default: 1)

If 1, then processing of maps will stop after first map that had at least one matching entry. So you can assign multiple remote locations to one file using one map and if variable g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstUpload will be set to 0 then multiple uploads of the same file will be taken according to data in first map that has matching entry.

Combinations of two last options:

g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstUpload = 0 g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstMap = 1

This will do multiple uploads to addresses taken from only one map ( first one that has some match).

g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstUpload = 0 g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstMap = 0

This will upload current buffer to every assigned remote location - multiple locations per map and multiple maps will be used.

:call MG_AutoUpload() Map this to some key combination

Example_customization: let g:autoUploadMaps = ".autoupload.info:/root/.remote.inf" let g:autoUploadStopAfterFirstUpload = 0 nnoremap :call MG_AutoUpload()

Worth_to_read: :help netrw

Warning: Global map files are dangerous because file names can repeat (index.php main.c, etc). You should use it for special cases only.
