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AviaryFxRuby is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

Aviary Effects API Ruby Library

Aviary Effects API Ruby Library


A library for the Aviary Effects API written in Ruby.


  1. Download the latest AviaryFX Ruby Library and extract

  2. Build the gem:

    $ gem build aviary_fx.gemspec

  3. Install the gem:

    $ sudo gem install aviary_fx-1.0.0.gem


To test, run test/sample.rb from the command line.

$ cd test
$ ruby sample.rb

Instantiate an AviaryFX object

The Aviary Effects API is exposed via the AviaryFX class.

To create an instance of the class with your API key and API secret:

require 'aviary_fx'
afx = AviaryFX::API.new("demoapp", "demoappsecret")

Get a list of filters

The getFilters() method Array of AviaryFX::FilterInfo objects with label, uid, thumb, description and parameters for each filter. These can be used to render images.

To get the array of filters:

get_filters_response = afx.get_filters()
puts get_filters_response.inspect

Upload an image to the AviaryFX Service

The upload() method is used to upload image files to the AviaryFX Service to apply effects to them. This method returns a hash with the url to the file. The returned image url should be used for subsequent interactions.

To upload an image:

response = afx.upload("/full/path/to/image_file.ext")
puts response.inspect

Render thumbnails

Use the renderOptions() method to render a thumbnail grid of the image with preset filter options for the selected filter. This returns an array with a url to the thumbnail grid and render option parameters for each of the requested number of options for that filter.

To render a 3x3 thumbnail grid with 128px x 128px cells:

backgroundcolor = "0xFFFFFFFF"
format = "jpg"
quality = "100"
scale = "1"
cols = "3"
rows = "3"
cellwidth = "128"
cellheight = "128"
filterid = "22"
filepath = "http://somedomain.com/your_file_name.ext"
# Call the API method renderOptions via the AviaryFX wrapper:
response = afx.render_options(backgroundcolor, format, quality, scale, filepath, filterid, cols, rows, cellwidth, cellheight)
puts response.inspect

Render full image

Once an option is selected call the render() method along with the filter ID, image url and the parameters for the selected option. This returns a dict with the URL to rendered image.

backgroundcolor = "0xFFFFFFFF"
format = "jpg"
quality = "100"
scale = "1"
width = "0"
height = "0"
filterid = "20"
filepath = "http://somedomain.com/your_file_name.ext"
# renderparamters can be specified in JSON format:
json_render_parameters = '{"parameters":[{"id":"Color Count","value":"14"},{"id":"Saturation","value":"1.0353452422505582"},{"id":"Curve Smoothing","value":"3.8117529663284664"},{"id":"Posterization","value":"9"},{"id":"Pattern Channel","value":"7"}]}'
rpc = AviaryFX::RenderParameterCollection.new_from_json(json_render_parameters)
# Call the API method render via the AviaryFX wrapper:
return afx.render(backgroundcolor, format, quality, scale, filepath, filterid, width, height, rpc)
puts response.inspect


Check out the official Aviary Effects API documentation for more details about the Aviary Effects API and class methods.

Feedback and questions

Found a bug or missing a feature? Don't hesitate to create a new issue here on GitHub, post to the Google Group or email us.
