Home > avro-rpc-on-netty


Avro-rpc-on-netty is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

avro rpc based on netty

Author: Harry Wang (coolwhy AT gmail DOT com)

Summary: Avro RPC library based on Netty. Avro (http://avro.apache.org) is a serialization system which supports cross language data exchanging. Netty (http://www.jboss.org/netty) is a Java Network application framework. So this project is a Java library which support Avro RPC using Netty. This project's code has been committed into Avro trunk for 1.4.0 release via Doug Cutting.

License: This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0

Introduction: 1, library dependencies: avro-1.3.3.jar, avro-tools-1.3.3.jar, netty-3.2.1.Final.jar, junit.jar please download them and place into ./lib directory.

2, source paths src/java The main codes. src/test The junit test case using the avro example protocol. src/avro/protocol/mail.avpr Avro example protocol borrowed from http://github.com/phunt/avro-rpc-quickstart/blob/master/src/main/avro/mail.avpr src/avro/generated Generated Java interface and class for the example protocol. The command is : java -cp ./lib/avro-tools-1.3.3.jar org.apache.avro.specific.SpecificCompiler ./src/avro/protocol/mail.avpr ./src/avro/generated