Home > aws-java-backup


Aws-java-backup is a project mainly written in Java, it's free.

Java tools to copy Amazon S3 and SimpleDB data

aws-java-backup - command line tools for copying S3 buckets and SimpleDB dbs to another account

Example use cases:

  • You have production data in a S3 / SimpleDB AWS account that you want to copy to a private account whose keys are not on your production servers

  • You want to backup/restore data for dev purposes


JDK 1.6
Maven 2


mvn compile
mvn assembly:single
   This will produce: aws-backup-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar


  • To sync a S3 bucket to another bucket, possibly in a different AWS account:

    java -cp aws-backup-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.bitmechanic.aws.SyncBuckets --from accessKey:secretKey:bucketName --to accessKey:secretKey:bucketName [--verbose]

    If the bucketName specified in --to does not exist, it will be created.

    CAREFUL: Any objects in --to that are NOT in --from will be removed. This command makes --to and --from identical.

  • To copy a SimpleDB domain to another domain, possibly in a different AWS account:

    java -cp aws-backup-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar com.bitmechanic.aws.CopySimpleDB --from accessKey:secretKey:domain --to accessKey:secretKey:domain [--verbose]

    The domain specified in --to will be DELETED and CREATED. All items in --from will be copied into --to
