Home > axis2_iu_patch_test


Axis2_iu_patch_test is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

JRuby test suite for a patch to Apache Axis2 (Java SOAP library) to allow forward compatability

This project is a set of tests for a patch to Apache Axis2. It uses JRuby, Test::Unit, Rack (for service mock responses) Also there's some simple Maven integration for 'require'-ing java libs in your local repo.

This project was used to develop the patch via TDD, it has been submitted here: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AXIS2-4859 I've included the result in resources/patches/

To test the patch: 1) check out Axis2 in the directory above this one: cd .. a) 1_5 branch: svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/axis/axis2/java/core/branches/1_5 axis2_br_1_5 b) trunk: svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/axis/axis2/java/core/trunk axis2_trunk

2) apply the patch a) 1_5 branch (JAR version: 1.5.3-SNAPSHOT) cd axis2_br_1_5 patch -p0 -i ../axis2_iu_patch_test/resources/patches/iu_1_5.patch b) trunk (JAR version: SNAPSHOT) cd axis2_trunk patch -p0 -i ../axis2_iu_patch_test/resources/patches/iu_trunk.patch

3) build Axis2 with changes (both versions): rake build_axis2

3) generate axis2 clients for testing: (from this project's root) a) (with 1.5.3-SNAPSHOT jars - DEFAULT) rake generate_artifacts b) (with SNAPSHOT jars) rake generate_artifacts AXIS_VERSION=SNAPSHOT

4) run the tests: a) (with 1.5.3-SNAPSHOT jars - DEFAULT) rake test b) (with SNAPSHOT jars) rake test AXIS_VERSION=SNAPSHOT