Home > b3-plugin-cmdlevel


B3-plugin-cmdlevel is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Change and show command level

This plugin provides the following commands:


You can change the command level using !cmdlevel . The plugin also changes the configuration file of the appropriate plugin. Instead of !cmdlevel you can also use !bmcmdlevel.

Example: If you want that the ban command can be used by player with level full admin (level 60) and above, so type: !cmdlevel ban 60 or !cmdlevel ban fulladmin

If you want that the warn command can be used by player with level admin (level 40) or full admin (level 60), so type: !cmdlevel warn 40-60 or !cmdlevel warn admin-fulladmin


The command level can be shown using !showcmdlevel .

Example: If you want to know the level of the warn command, type !showcmdlevel warn

This plugin is tested for Urban Terror 4.1 and the B3 bot versions 1.3 and 1.3.4b.

See also: http://www.github.com/bmamba/b3-plugin-cmdlevel
