Home > Palindrome


Palindrome is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Quick string parser for palindromes

== Welcome to Palindrome

Palindrome was created as a proof of concept. The other day I was asked how to parse a string for palindromes. The problem bothered me. At the time I couldn't think of the best way to solve it. The next day at lunch I sat down and wrote what you see below to satisfy my curiosity. Currently, Palindrome will find nested and overlapping palindromes within the string.

Palindrome may in the future become a more complete library for parsing numbers, words, and sentences, but for now it meets my proof of concept.

== Installing

Install Palindrome by copying palindrome.rb into your project

== Using Palindrome

Use Palindrome by including palindrome.rb in whatever library or file will use it:

require_relative 'palindrome'

Hint: If you are testing this in irb, you will need to use the full path to palindrome.rb:

require '/Users/ericshelley/Development/Palindrome/palindrome'

== Example

Currently, Plaindrome only has two methods that both take String objects:

palindromes = Palindrome.discover("bobiqweababcbaasifuhwe")

The result of this assignment is an array of palindromes:

=> ["bob", "aba", "bcb", "abcba", "bcb"]

== License

Palindrome is released under the MIT license.
