Home > bash-django-skeleton


Bash-django-skeleton is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

Simple bourne-shell script that creates some Django directories. Works where bash works.

Just place the file 'create_skeleton.sh' in the root of your Django project. Give it execute privileges and run it.

It will create the following files: db/ <-- For SQLite database in case of easy local development. Gets 755 permissions. templates/404.html <-- Default 404 placeholder templates/500.html <-- Default 500 placeholder templates/base.html <-- The base template, including doctype and most basic blocks site_media/css/global.css <-- Placeholder for custom styles site_media/js/global.js <-- Placeholder for custom javascript site_media/images/ <-- Images directory fabfile.py <-- Basic Fabric file, doesn't do much yet README.txt <-- Project README and TODO file local_settings.py <-- If this gets imported, it means running localhost, thus DEBUG will be True (it's usually in .gitignore

If settings.py exists, the import statement for local_settings.py will be appended.

Feel free to use/adapt/ignore this file.
